Custom Web Applications

Custom Web Applications

Make the most of internet access and create the application that your business needs.

Blue Print


In T.M.Y. we build custom web applications according to your needs. In addition to the applications that serve the needs of a website, we provide construction services of independent web applications that perform the tasks you want and can have management environment too, depending on the application needs.


Your custom application will be developed and designed from scratch. We provide personalized recommendations to meet all the needs for which the application is set up. We will ensure that the design of the application will be handy, functional and user-friendly.


Our custom applications are characterized by quality and modern design, “clean” code, easy to use and functionality, compatibility with all new versions of all browsers and ongoing technical support.

Below is a sample of the custom applications we have created:

  • Platform development for online invoicing and online client management. Instant reports and cash flow of the company and billing functionality from everywhere.
  • Development of an application for monitoring rolling schedules and shifts. Full user management, workers, direct labor program image, shift changes notifications etc.
  • Platform development for conducting online underbidding transport ads. The application includes user registration system, registration ads, offers registration, offer acceptance, evaluation etc.
  • Development of online calculating forms depending on user entries. eg. insurance calculation (based on age, gender, etc.) or calculation for car rental booking costs (by category, rental days, season, special discounts etc.)
  • Live chat service. Additional service on a site, where guests can see when support staff is available, so they will be able to start a live chat session.
  • Creation of xml files for sites like,, etc.
  • Connection of e-shops with banks, in order to accept credit cards through their safe environment.


We are ready for your special mission. Take off your idea now!

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